Old Friends/New Friends Creativity Explored

︎ Skills: Brand Design, Content Strategy
︎ Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Old Friends/New Friends
was an exhibition celebrating Creativity Explored’s 40th anniversary at the end of 2023, curated by Natasha Boas. The exhibition told the tale of San Francisco’s artistic Mission District as a rhizome, exploring the connections between the fabled Mission School and the many Creativity Explored artists that came after. I worked with illustrations by artist Barry McGee to create the exhibition logo.

Eneight Vase
Creativity Explored

︎ Skills: Brand Design, Content Strategy
︎ Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Eneight Vase was an exhibition at the Creativity Explored gallery in the summer of 2023, featuring iterative and recursive works curated by Laura Figa. The logo and titular neologism came from an artwork by Valerie Byrd.

Figuratively Speaking Creativity Explored

︎ Skills: Brand Design, Content Strategy
︎ Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Figuratively Speaking was an exhibition at the Creativity Explored gallery in spring of 2023, curated by art critic Hilton Als of The New Yorker. I developed the logo for the show in consultation with him, and created a postcard and graphics to promote the show based on the late artist Douglas Sheran’s work.

Creativity Explored is a studio and gallery in San Francisco that partners with 150+ artists with developmental disabilities to support their creative careers.

The Mail Art Club 2.0 Minnesota Street Project
︎ Skills: Brand Design, Content Strategy
︎ Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

The Mail Art Club 2.0 was an exhibition at Minnesota Street Project in the spring of 2023, featuring three years of mail art from the Mail Art Club, a collaborative project involving artists from Creativity Explored. I designed a graphic identity for the exhibition based on previous Mail Art Club exhibitions.

Creativity Explored is a studio and gallery in San Francisco that partners with 150+ artists with developmental disabilities to support their creative careers.


︎ Skills: Brand Design, Creative Strategy
︎ Tools: Adobe Illustrator
︎ Impact: Dismissal of charges against Tianna Arata

Tianna Arata was a young activist from San Luis Obispo arrested for peaceful demonstration in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. Like many other cases across the country, the SLO County District Attorney police department attemped to use the arrest of Tianna as and tactic of intimidation against protestors by charging her with ludicrous and outlandish offenses. I designed the branding for a grassroots rapid-response campaign to demand that the district attorney drop the charges against Tianna and her peers. After a successful community-led campaign, complete with social media toolkits, posters, and even a mobile billboard, the California Attorney General's Office finally dismissed nearly all the charges against Tianna.

© Juhi Gupta, 2024
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