Juhi Gupta

Franklin Gothic Rhode Island School of Design
︎ Skills: Research, Interviews, Feature Writing
︎ Impact: 40K+ readers

I wrote my first article for SF/ARTS on Flower Piano, a beloved summer musical celebration in SF Botanical Gardens. I interviewed artist and pianist Dean Mermell about the foggy, cliffside origins of this quirky, classically San Francisco event.

SF/ARTS has a readership of~50,000, is distributed in digital and print, and is inserted in all New York Times papers in the Bay Area.
︎ Skills: Research, Interviews, Feature Writing
︎ Impact: 40K+ readers

I wrote my first article for SF/ARTS on Flower Piano, a beloved summer musical celebration in SF Botanical Gardens. I interviewed artist and pianist Dean Mermell about the foggy, cliffside origins of this quirky, classically San Francisco event.

SF/ARTS has a readership of~50,000, is distributed in digital and print, and is inserted in all New York Times papers in the Bay Area.

© Juhi Gupta, 2024
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